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Working with HTML Forms

Letting the User Override email Values

You can let the user completing a mailto form override default values for the following elements:

To set up a user override for these fields, follow these steps.

  1. Perform steps 1-4 in Creating a Form's Content Block or edit an existing content block.
  2. Within the editor, insert an appropriate field label, such as Enter your email address.
  3. Click the Text Field button ( ) from the form element toolbar.
  4. The Insert Text Field window is displayed.
  5. In the Name field, enter the appropriate override name.
    to address(es) in the generated email
    from address(es) in the generated email
    cc address(es) in the generated email
    subject line in the generated email
    preamble in the generated email
  6. Enter the remaining information and click Insert to add the field to the content.

When a user is completing the form and inserts an email address into the field you inserted in Step 5, that field value is used in the email.

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