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Working with HTML

Viewing and Editing HTML

When you choose to view your page as HTML, the editor cleans the content using a method determined by your Webmaster. (For more information, see "Cleaning HTML" in the eWebEditPro+XML Developer's Reference Guide.)

To view your page's HTML, follow these steps.

  1. Click the View as HTML button ( ), or right click the mouse and click View as HTML from the menu.
  2. The HTML code appears. While viewing the code, you can edit it using editor functions such as Cut, Copy, Paste and Replace. To select all content, press <Ctrl>+<A>.

You can also set default values for the style, size and color in which the HTML appears. To do this, right click the mouse and click Preferences. When you do, a dialog box appears in which you can enter formatting information about the HTML code.

These settings will be used whenever you view as HTML.

The settings are ignored when you view the page in WYSIWYG mode and when the user views the page.

  1. To return to normal view, click the View as WYSIWYG button ( ) or right click the mouse and click View WYSIWYG.

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