Multi-Language Support
The Default Language
The default language determines which edition of a content block to display when a visitor to your site does not select a language.
It is also used if a visitor selects a language other than the default, then navigates to a content block for which content does not exist in the selected language. In that case, Ektron CMS400.NET displays that content in the default language (if available).
Within Ektron CMS400.NET, the default language determines the default value on the language drop-down lists that appear on every page on which a user can select a language.
When you install Ektron CMS400.NET, the default language is English. Use the following procedure to change the default language for your multi-language Web site.
- Open the folder webroot\yourwebsite.
- Within that folder, open web.config.
- Set the value of ek_DefaultContentLanguage to the locale id of the default language. For example, 1031 for German.
NoteFor a list of locale ids, see Appendix A: List of Supported Languages.