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Managing Tasks

Task Permissions

You can assign the following task-related permissions in the Edit Users and Edit User Groups screens:

Users can only perform these functions as specified in the Edit Users and Edit User Groups screens.

Only administrator level users can edit these fields in the User profile. Non-administrative users can see but not edit them.

Assigning Group Permissions

A user can either inherit permissions from all groups of which he is a member or can be granted task permissions uniquely, without regard to his groups.

Inheriting Task Permissions from User Groups

To have a user inherit task permissions from all groups of which he is a member, check the Inherit Task Permissions From User Groups box on the Edit User screen.

Belonging to More Than One Group

If a user inherits task permissions from groups and is a member of more than one group, the user inherits permissions assigned to all groups. So, for example, if Group A is allowed to create tasks and Group B is only allowed to delete them, a member of both groups can create and delete.

Assign Unique Task Permissions

To assign unique task permissions to a user, regardless of permissions assigned to groups of which he is a member, uncheck the Inherit Task Permissions From User Groups box on the Edit User screen.

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