Managing Users & User Groups
Managing Users & User Groups
Users are people who administer the Web site, create content, or publish content. Without users, the Web site would be blank. In Ektron CMS400.NET, you can add, edit, and delete users to and from the application through the Settings folder in the Workarea.
Every Ektron CMS400.NET user belongs to a User Group. User groups are used when creating permissions and approvals for content folders. User groups can be departments in your company (Human Resources, Sales, Engineering) or indicate a user's role (Publishers, Administrators, Editors, etc.).
Important!If your system uses the Active Directory Integration Feature, proceed to Active Directory Feature to learn about user management functions. This chapter only applies to systems that do not use Active Directory Integration.
This section explains the most common actions that you will perform on users and user groups. These actions include:
- Accessing the Users and User Groups Folders
- Creating a New User
- Viewing a User
- Assigning Users To User Groups