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Working with HTML Forms

Form Validation

You can apply validation rules to form elements in a form content block. Validation rules ensure that user input in a form field meets your criteria. For example, a validation rule can specify that a user's response to the Birth Date field conforms to a standard date format. If user input does not conform, an error message that you create informs the user of the problem. The input must conform before the form can be submitted.

You can only apply validation rules to these field types:

The field's type determines which validation rules can be applied.

When Validation Rules are Applied

Validation rules are applied when a user submits a form, not when the input is entered. If invalid input is found, the error message that you define appears.

The user must change the field's input to conform to the validation rule. When he does, the next field is checked and, if that is invalid, its error message appears, etc.

See Also: Steps for Applying Validation Rules to a Form Field

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