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Copying from Other Applications

Copying from Other Applications

You can copy information from most other Windows applications into eWebEditPro+XML and retain the formatting from the original application. In general, copying from another application involves these steps.

  1. Sign on to the application in which the information resides.
  2. Select the information to be copied.
  3. Press <Ctrl>+<C>.
  4. Go to eWebEditPro+XML.
  5. Press <Ctrl>+<V> to paste the selected information.

Note that you can only copy content, not background information that generates content.

So, for example, you can copy the values in a spreadsheet but not the formulas used to generate those values. Also, copying dynamic fields from Microsoft WORD would retrieve the current value of the fields but not the variables that generate those values.

It's a good idea to experiment with copying from different sources to test the results.

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