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Working with HTML Forms

Inserting Form Elements

To create a form's content block, follow these steps.

  1. Access the form you created in Creating a New Form.
  2. lick the Edit button ( ).
  3. The Edit Content window opens.

  1. If desired, edit the form title.
  2. Enter the form's fields. By default, the form elements toolbar appears.

The following table explains the form element toolbar buttons.
Inserts this kind of field
Example of HTML inserted
Prompts on dialog box that appears
<form name="Test" action="http://localhost/ewebeditpro4/formtest.htm" method="post"></form> 

Note: If this content block is associated with a form, this button is not needed.

  • Name
  • Action page
  • Method
  • Encode Type
<input type="button" value="Test Button" name="Test" /> 
  • Name
  • Value
Submit Button
<input type="Submit" value="Submit Button" name="Submit" /> 
  • Name
  • Value
Reset Button
<input type="reset" value="Reset Page" name="Reset"/> 
  • Name
  • Value
Hidden Text Field
<input type="hidden" value="This is initial content" name="mycontent" /> 
  • Name
  • Value
Text Field
<input size="15" value="This is initial content" name="mycontent" /> 

Note: See Letting the User Override email Values for information about overriding default Forms settings.

  • Name
  • Value
  • Size (the number of characters in the field. If a user's entry exceeds the size, the field scrolls to the right.
<input type="password" size="5" value="" name="mypassword" /> 
  • Name
  • Size (the number of characters in the field. If a user's entry exceeds the size, the field scrolls to the right.)
Test Area
<textarea name="mycontent" rows="5" cols="4" type="textarea">This is initial content</textarea> 
  • Name
  • Value
  • Rows
  • Columns
Radio Button
<input type="radio" checked="checked" value="This is a radio button" name="mybutton" /> 
  • Name
  • Value
Default is Checked
Check Box
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="This is a check box" name="mycheckbox" /> 
  • Name
  • Value
Default is Checked
<select multiple="multiple" size="25" name="myselectbox"> 
<option value="option1">option1</option> 
<option value="option2">option2</option> 
  • Name
  • Size (the number of characters in the field. If a user's entry exceeds the size, the field scrolls to the right.)
  • Allow multiple
  • Option name
  • Display value
Form Validation
Applies a validation rule to selected form element. See Also: Form Validation

  1. Move the cursor to the screen position where you want the first field.
  2. Click the button corresponding to the kind of field you want to insert.
  3. Complete the dialog box that collects information about the field.

Here is an example of form content that you can create.

Note that the first four fields use plain text while the fifth uses a select box.

You can apply validation criteria to any field by selecting the field then clicking the Form Validation button ( ). For more information, see Form Validation.

  1. After you complete the form, you have the following options.
    Button or Tab
    Postback Message
    Edit the summary for content block. If you want to customize the post back message, click the Summary tab. (A postback message informs the user submitting the form that his entry has been completed.) Then, enter a post back message for the form.
    The postback message can be as long as you want and include images, files, hyperlinks, etc.
    Edit Metadata
    Edit the metadata for content block See Also: Metadata
    Assign start or end dates, or both, for when content is published to Web site See Also: Scheduling Content to Begin and End
    Enter history comment to indicate changes made to content
    Submit content block into approval process
    Publish content to Web site.

    Note: If a content block has any active tasks, a comments window pops up. You can insert comments to describe how approving or declining the content affects the task.

    Note: Only the last approver in the approval chain sees this button.

    Check In
    Save and check-in content. This button does not submit the content into the approval process, but rather lets other users change it.
    Save the content without submitting it into the approval process.
    If a user clicks save and then closes the editor, other users cannot edit the content.
    This buttons appears if you are the next approver in the approval list. Click it to decline the changes made to the content.

    Note: If a content block has any active tasks, a comments window pops up. You can insert comments to describe how approving or declining the content affects the task.

    Close the editor without saving changes.
  2. Click the Save and Submit or Publish button ( ). The form only appears on your Web site after it is published.

Next, the form may need to go through the approval process. When that is complete, add it to the site by assigning it to a page template. The next section explains that procedure.

See Also: Implementing a Form on a Web Page

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