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Using Hyperlinks

Using a Quicklink

Your Web master can add to the Hyperlink dialog box any number of Quicklinks, that is, Web addresses that you can link to simply by selecting an item from a drop down menu.

Quicklinks are "quick" because you do not need to enter or know the URL of the destination Web page -- your Web master has already stored that information for you.

To apply a Quicklink, follow these steps.

  1. Select the source text or image.
  2. Click the Hyperlink button ( ). The Hyperlink dialog box appears.

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the Quicklink field. A list of Web pages that your Web master has pre-loaded appears.
  2. Click an item from the list to select it.
  3. If desired, you can use the Target Frame field to change the window in which the destination text appears. For details, see Changing the Destination Window.

If you leave the Target Frame field blank, the new window replaces the current window

  1. Click OK.

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