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Editing Images


Standard Toolbar Button

Places text on an image. You can also change the text's size, font, color, and attributes (bold, italic, etc.).

To use the Text command, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Text button ( ).
  2. Move the cursor to where you want to place the text.
  3. Click the mouse button and drag a rectangle in which to insert the text.


Make sure the rectangle is large enough to accommodate your text. The rectangle disappears after you enter text.

  1. Type the text.
  2. Click outside the rectangle to close it.
  3. To change the text or its font, size, style, color, etc., place the cursor over the text and right click the mouse. The text attributes dialog appears.
Dialog Box

The following table lists functions you can perform with this dialog.

To change this
Use this tab/field
Font Attributes/Font
font size
Font Attributes/Size
font style (bold, italic, etc.)
Font Attributes/Style
Font Attributes/Underline
strikeout (for example, sample)
Font Attributes/Strikethrough
font color
Color Attributes/Primary Color
Text Attributes/white box
if text wraps when it reaches the end of a line
Text Attributes/ Wrap

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