Scheduling Content to Begin and End
Setting Archive Options
After setting an End Date, you can specify a content block's archive options, which determine what happens upon reaching its end date/time.
To be eligible for any option, the content must reach its end date/time, progress through its approval chain, and be published. Until those events occur, the content block remains visible both within its content folder and on the site.
The archive options (illustrated below) appear below the Start Date and End Date fields on the content block's Schedule screen.
Each option is explained below.
Archive Options
Option Can site visitors view content upon expiration? Can users view and edit content within Ektron CMS400.NET upon expiration? Archive and remove from site (expire) No Yes, within its folder by clicking the archive button ().
Note: If this option is assigned to a content block, it only moves into the archived area of its folder after a site visitor accesses the host Web page.
Archive and remain on Site YesThe content will not appear on a page that uses the ListSummary function but will appear wherever the ArchiveListSummary function is used. Yes, within its folder by clicking the archive button ().
Note: If this option is assigned to a content block, it only moves into the archived area of its folder after a site visitor accesses the host Web page.
Add to CMS Refresh Report Yes Yes, in the active area of its folder and on the Refresh Report.See Also: Refresh Reminder ReportRestoring Content from Archived to Active State
To restore a content block from archived state to active, follow these steps.
- Navigate to its folder.
- If necessary, click the Archive button to view it. (See Archive Options).
- Click the Edit button (
- Click the Schedule tab.
- Remove the End Date or change it to a future date.
- Submit the content for publishing. When the content block is published, it will no longer be archived.