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Using Existing Calendar ID or Creating a New One

When you create a calendar in a foreign language, you can either use an existing calendar ID or create a new one.

Use when...
For more information, see
Foreign language version of existing calendar ID
You want one Web page that displays a calendar in the language selected by the site visitor
New calendar ID
The foreign calendar will be placed on its own Web page; there is no equivalent calendar in the default language

For example, the following is the English-language version of the sample calendar provided with the intranet. The URL of the following calendar is


If you create a French version of that calendar, and a user navigates to the same page but views it in French, he sees the French version of the calendar (below). Note that they are separate calendars with separate event listings -- they only share the ID number.

The URL of the following calendar is


Creating a Multi-lingual Calendar Using the Same ID

To create a multi-lingual calendar using the same ID number but a different language, follow these steps.

  1. Within the Workarea, select Modules > Calendars.
  2. Select the calendar for which you want to create a version in another language.
  3. When the View Calendar Screen appears, pull down the Add In box and select the new language.

  1. Complete the calendar information, as explained in Adding a New Calendar.
Creating a Multilingual Calendar Using a New ID

To create a multi-lingual calendar using a unique ID number, follow these steps.

  1. Within the Workarea, select Modules > Calendars.
  2. From the Calendar Modules screen, click to open the View In dropdown box.

  1. Select the language for the calendar.
  2. The Calendar Modules screen reappears, showing only calendars in the selected language (if any exist).

Complete the calendar information, as explained in Adding a New Calendar.

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