Library Folder
For a definition of the term "hyperlinks," see Terms Used in this Chapter.
Adding Hyperlinks
You must copy hyperlinks to the library before content creators can insert them into content blocks. To copy a hyperlink to the library, follow the procedure described in Copying Files to the Library. The only difference is that you insert a hyperlink instead of a file.
Viewing Hyperlinks
To view a hyperlink, follow the procedure described in Viewing Files. The only difference is that you view a hyperlink instead of a file.
Editing Hyperlinks
To edit a hyperlink, follow the procedure described in Editing a File. The only difference is that you edit a hyperlink title instead of a file title. You can also edit the URL.
Adding Hyperlinks to Your Content
Once a hyperlink is added to the library, users can add the hyperlink to their content blocks.
To add a hyperlink to a content block, follow the procedure described in Adding a Library File to Content. The only difference is that you add a hyperlink instead of a file.