Library Folder
For a definition of the term "images," see Terms Used in this Chapter.
Uploading Images
You must copy images to the library before content creators can insert them into content blocks. To copy an image to the library, follow the procedure described in Copying Files to the Library. The only difference is that you add an image instead of a file.
Viewing Images
To view an image, follow the procedure described in Viewing Files. The only difference is that you view an image instead of a file.
Editing Image Titles
To edit an image's title, follow the procedure described in Editing a File. The only difference is that you edit an image's title instead of a file title.
Overwriting Images
When an image in the library becomes out of date, or if the wrong version of an image was copied, you may overwrite that image with a new or correct version. Overwriting images minimizes disk space and the number of copied library images.
NoteOverwriting images is an advanced permission that you may or may not have.
To overwrite an image, follow the procedure described in Overwriting Files. The only difference is that you overwrite an image instead of a file.
NoteYou can only overwrite an image with another image of the same extension. (that is, .gif > .gif, not .jpg > .gif)
Adding Images to Your Content
Once an image is added to the library, users can add it to a content block.
To add an image to a content block, follow the procedure described in Adding a Library File to Content. The only difference is that you add an image instead of a file.
The image is placed into the picture properties dialog box, where you can change it before inserting it. For information about the picture properties dialog box, see Using the First Picture Properties Dialog Box.