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Using the Data Designer

Plain Text( )

Use a plain text field when you want the user to enter an unformatted, free text response.


If a plain text field tries to perform a numerical calculation with a value that is blank or contains letters, NaN appears in the field. (NaN stands for "not a number.") If a plain text field tries to divide by zero, Infinity appears.

Plain Text Field vs. Rich Area Field

The following capabilities are available with a plain text field but not a rich area field.

The following capability is available with a rich area field but not a plain text field.

Dialog Box

Fields on the Plain Text Dialog
Enter the name of this field.
Note that you cannot enter spaces nor most special characters (!@#$%^&*()+=<>,.:;'"{}[]\|`~) into this field.
Check if you want to index this field. For more information, see "Indexing the Fields of a Data Design Document" in the Supporting the Data Designer chapter of the Developer Reference Guide.
The Indexed field may not appear, depending on how your administrator set up your system.
Display name
Enter the text that appears when a user hovers the cursor over this field.
Default Value
If you want to set a default value for this field, enter that value here. The default value appears in Data Entry mode, where the user can accept, change, or delete it.
For example, if this field collects a city, and most users enter New York, enter New York as the value.
Invisible - Check here to make this field hidden in Data
Entry mode.
This option lets you store unseen information in each
XML document. An example might be putting a version
number for the data design so that XML documents can
be upgraded to newer versions using an XSL transform.
Allow multiple lines - Check here to let this text box
expand to accommodate the user's input.
If you do not check this box, a single line input box
appears on the data entry screen to accept user input.

A field can be either invisible or cannot be changed -- it cannot be both.

Cannot be changed - Check here to make this field
read-only. That is, the user cannot insert data into it in
Data Entry mode.
You might use this option to provide user instructions for
completing the screen.
Select the kind of validation to apply to this field. Your choices are:
  • No validation - the user's response is not checked
  • Cannot be blank - the user must enter a response
  • Non-negative whole number or blank - the user must enter a positive whole number or no response
  • Non-negative whole number (required) - the user must enter a positive whole number
  • Decimal number or blank - must be a decimal number (for example, 12.345 or 12) or blank . A leading minus sign "-" is allowed. The decimal point must be a period (.), even in locales that normally use a comma (,).

Decimal numbers include whole numbers because the decimal point is implied. That is, 12 is 12.0000.

  • Decimal number required - must be a decimal number (it cannot be blank) of none, one, or two decimal places.
A leading minus sign "-" is allowed. The decimal point must be period (.), even in locales that normally use a comma (,).
  • Percent: (0-100) required - the user must enter a whole number from 0 to 100
  • Zip code (US only) - the user's response must consist of 5 (nnnnn) or 9 digits separated by a dash after the fifth (nnnnn-nnnn)
  • Social Security number (US only) - the user's response must consist of nine digits in this pattern: nnn-nn-nnnn
  • Custom - You can create custom validation.
For more information, see Custom Validation.
If you assign to this field any value other than No validation, the field is initially surrounded by red dashes in Data Entry mode. If the user's response does not meet the validation criterion, the field remains surrounded by red dashes. The system administrator determines whether or not the user can save an invalid document.
Enter text to describe this field on the data entry screen. It appears to the left of the field.
After you insert this field, you can use eWebEditPro+XML's formatting capabilities to modify its size, font, color, and other attributes.

Note: The Caption field only appears on this dialog when you create the Plain Text field. If you later try to edit the field, the Caption field is not on the dialog. However, you can edit the Caption text within the editor.

Data Style
Resizing a Plain Text Field

If you insert a plain text field and its width is too small or too large, you can easily resize it. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. Place the cursor over the field and click. The cursor changes to a four-headed arrow, and small boxes surround the field.
  2. Move the cursor to the far right of the field. (See illustration below). The cursor turns into a two-headed arrow.

  1. Drag the arrow to adjust the field width as desired.

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