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Table Dialog Boxes and Menus

The Insert Table Menu

You access the Insert Table menu by clicking on the Insert Table button ( ) while the cursor is inside a table.


Before you click the button, make sure the table is not selected (that is, the table is not surrounded by small boxes).

When you do, the following menu appears.

The following table lists the menu options and where to get more information on each.
Menu Option
For more information, see
Insert Table
Inserts a new table where the cursor is currently resting
Insert Row
Creates a new table row above the row in which the cursor is currently resting
Insert Column
Creates a new table column next to the column in which the cursor is currently resting
Insert Cell
Inserts a cell to the left of the cursor in a table

Delete Rows
Deletes table row in which the cursor is currently resting
Delete Column
Deletes table column in which the cursor is currently resting
Delete Cells
Deletes the selected cells

Merge Cells
Combines the contents of two or more selected cells into one
Split Cell
Divides a cell into two. Each cell occupies one half the size of the original cell.
Table Properties
Displays and lets you edit table properties, such as the number of rows and columns, cell padding, and borders.
Cell Properties
Displays and lets you edit cell properties, such as width and alignment

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