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Table Dialog Boxes and Menus

The Cell Properties Dialog Box

The Cell Properties dialog box lets you manipulate most elements of a cell's appearance.

The following table lists the fields on this dialog box and refers you to the section that explains each field.

Lets you specify
For more information, see
Rows Spanned
If the cell spans two or more rows
Columns Spanned
If the cell spans two or more columns
The minimum cell width
Word Wrap
Whether text moves down to the next line when it reaches the specified width of a cell
Horizontal Alignment
The alignment of data across a cell
Vertical Alignment
The alignment of data up and down within a cell
Background Color
The cell's background color, if you want it to be different from the table's background color
Background Image
A background image for the cell
Use Default Color
Apply the table border color to this cell border

Border Color
Apply a color other than the table border color to this cell border

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